Home » Landlord Consent

Why do I need landlord consent ?

Business sellers need landlord consent before transferring their lease to the buyer. Without landlord consent a seller is not permitted to transfer the lease. No consent means no sale.

How do I get landlord consent ?

Follow the procedure set out in the assignment clause in your lease. There is noting magical about this process. If the steps are followed and the landlord consents, then the sale proceeds.

When does leasable™ get involved ?

We can help business sellers and business brokers :

  • craft targeted and effective applications for consent that show the buyer in the best possible light and give the application the best possible chance of approval first time around; or
  • when things go wrong and the landlord refuses to consent.

What happens if the landlord refuses to consent ?

No consent means no sale of business.

However a seller does have a chance to save the sale.

Can I save the sale ?

Yes. We are pretty good at getting landlords to see things differently, without going to court and without risking the sale. If there is a way to save the sale, we will help you find it.

How do I overcome landlord refusal to consent ?

That’s our secret sauce.

Not only can we offer laser guided advice to business sellers and business brokers to secure landlord consent, we can guarantee it. Get in touch to see if your sale qualifies.

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