leasable™ is a small legal practice focused exclusively on helping high-performing healthcare entrepreneurs unlock strategic, long-term lease outcomes.
Admitted in 2001, Peter Panagiotopoulos is the founder and principal lawyer of leasable™
Areas of practice
The mission is to help healthcare entrepreneurs build strong businesses by starting and ending their lease on the right foot. We offer aspiring, new and established practice owners transformative advice in these areas :
Who we help
- Aspiring business owners looking for a new site might ask us to help guide them to the optimal lease for their business case.
- Tenants approaching a lease event, like a lease renewal or market rent review might seek our advice to leverage a better deal or remove a pain point in their business.
- Tenants who are preparing their business for sale but need a longer lease might ask us for the tactics, scripts and dialogues (what to say and how to say it) to loosen the earth.
- Business sellers whose landlord is interfering with their sale or whose sale is at risk because of a lease related matter, might seek our help resolving the road block without having to go to court.
How we help
Plain speaking and clear understanding underpin the approach to our client’s challenges. Our core value is kind honesty.
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Information on this website is not legal advice.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.