We help healthcare and retail tenants re-discover their negotiating power.
Negotiating a lease is not what you think.
The landlord needs you.
You are the prize.
Let us show you how to optimise your new lease, reset your existing lease and secure landlord consent to your sale of business.
New leases
Tenants have only a brief window in which to win a negotiation. Once that window closes, a tenant’s negotiating power fades fast. Timing is everything. If you have a heads of agreement – that’s your signal the window is closing… [Read more]
Lease resets
Who has more power at the end of the lease ? A tenant who has no alternative but to stay or the landlord ? Stuck, the tenant is forced to seek new terms to preserve its business, or to vacate. If a new deal is struck, it is usually comes at a price. That is, unless… [Read more]
Landlord consent
Business sellers need landlords to consent to the transfer of the lease to the buyer. “Difficult” landlords ( aren’t they all ? ) cannot be persuaded until they are open to being persuaded. To reach that point, they need to to feel safe. Arguing risks the sale… [Read more]
There is a better way
There are many types of leases and lease clauses, but only one combination can be compatible with your business goals.
Looking for a new site ? You have a choice between two approaches. The first is to jump in, wait until you find a place for the landlord to then tell you what type of lease you are getting. The second, is to get a crystal clear picture of the lease you need before searching, narrow the search and reject anything that is incompatible.
Who has the power in each scenario ? Which is quicker and more effective ? Which gives the tenant a greater chance of success ?
Get rock solid, real-world advice to help you make decisions with confidence.
Get confident.
A personal note from Peter
Hi, I am Peter Panagiotopoulos, leasing lawyer and principal of leasable™.
The leasing process is not fair. But through improved mindset, behaviour and positioning tenants can derail that process to unlock incredible negotiating power.
I mean it. Small, positive decisions made early in a deal can compound to great benefit.
Get in touch. Honestly, it’s easier than you think.
Information on this website is not legal advice.
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