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New lease negotiation

In our view, a lease should allow a tenant to do three things : (1) trade profitably; (2) avoid landlord interference; and (3) sell the business at a time of his choosing for maximum value.

On these three pillars rests a tenant’s business case and a lease offer is either compatible or incompatible. Without the correct mindset, a tenant may be tempted to compromise his business case for the sake of the deal. That, in our opinion, is self-sabotage.

Some compromises should not be made.

Our approach

We believe the “how” is just as important as the “what”.

How does a tenant prepare his business case ? How does he avoid the wrong compromises ? Our answer – by thinking differently.

Making offers and counter-offers is the last step in the negotiation. Yes, the last step not the first.

The negotiation starts and is won, long before. We apply legal know-how early, and tactically, to bring about the circumstances in which a tenant can negotiate without conflict and without losing control. That is what sets us apart. More insights here.

Do not wait until later

Landlords and their agents prefer tenants conform to their standard process. That process pushes the tenant to make offers before he gets advice – ever wondered why ?

Ideally, our clients engage with us at the concept stage and before they start their premises search. There at the very beginning, are they able to position themselves to maximize their leverage.

We can come on-board at any stage but the more upstream the engagement, the bigger the downstream results.

What are my “non-negotiables” ?

The better question is what are my best interests ? A tenant is less likely to compromise if he has a clear picture of his best interests and understands how parts of a deal combine against those interests.

Together, your non-negotiables make up your minimum viable lease. We call it your MVL. Anything below your MVL is incompatible with your business case. We know where to look and who to ask to give you a crystal clear idea of your optimal and minimum viable lease. Crafting an MVL is the single most important step before any discussions. Without it, a tenant is negotiating blind.

What is a heads of agreement ?

A heads of agreement (HOA) is a summary lease offer prepared by the leasing agent and it signals the end of the negotiation. Yes, the end. Again, we invite you to think differently.

Getting better lease outcomes is not about arguing more or arguing harder. It is about doing things differently. Put simply, if the HOA does not pass the MVL test, neither will the lease.

If you have received a HOA from an agent, consider pausing and reaching out to us.

Information on this website is not legal advice.

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